Thursday, July 16, 2009

Fight Da Man!!

A great look at how every homeowner can use the system against itself...

That's right, ANYONE can lower their property tax bill by following this wonderful article on how to get your property tax lowered.
Initial evaluations are often free at these sites, which include and For a fee of $50 to $100, users can obtain forms with data already filled in and instructions on how to appeal, and a list of recent sales of comparable properties. Ms. Davidson of Bonita used to help with her appeal.


  1. I receive letters frequently from attorneys in the area offering to lower my taxes. They'll accept a percentage of the savings from the first year. Are these a "scam?" Are the sites you mentioned more cost effective? For some reason I always just trashed the letters thinking that no one can lower anyone's taxes in the good ol' USA. Thanks.

  2. I have seen those same ads too. A few friends of mine have used an attorney who did get their property taxes lowered for a price equivalent to whatever he got them lowered by. My recommendation is that if you are desperate to get them lowered, consider the attorney route. But if it would just be "nice" to get them lowered, try the route mentioned by the article.

  3. Yeah I just did that with my property taxes. I got them lowered by a good bit....and then.....they raised our school taxes again so I'm pretty much in the same boat.

    Oxford school taxes SUCK! I joined this organization when I moved to the area last year:

    Thankfully, the guy that started it went out for the school board and he will be on the school board now coming up. Hopefully this will help immensely.

    I don't know how other school boards are but the Oxford School Board just thinks they have an open check with homeowners and can raise our taxes whenever they want more money!
