Saturday, October 3, 2009

Risky Business: Betting on a home's value

There are some sure bets that are prudent to take, such as:
1) Tiger Woods kicking your ass in golf
2) The next Hugh Grant movie likely to suck
3) Kanye West to say something dumb
4) Laws against doing things on your cellphone having no effectiveness on behavior

But one thing that USED to be a sure bet and is no longer....the value of your house. From the Washington Post:

"We have cases where houses are being appraised at less than the cost to build them," Howard said. "People are just being really, really conservative."

Some housing industry insiders also say that the appraisal process has become more complicated since the implementation of a new set of rules, known as the Home Valuation Code of Conduct, in May. The rules, put in place by Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, aim to shield appraisers from pressure to submit a desired estimate of a home's value to hasten its sale.

1 comment:

  1. "We have cases where houses are being appraised at less than the cost to build them."

    As-If what something cost was equal to it's value.
    But if that were true, no reason to haggle over your next new car.
    Pay more than they ask, then the car has more "value".
    Oh, and be sure to stay away from Walmart, KMart, Marshalls, etc.; buy all your clothes at Lord & Taylor, Gucci, and L.L. Bean, since they cost substantially more, they must be *proportionally* more comfortable, and will last that much longer.
